1.) Home page has search boxes so Reg staff can search for a person to see if they are registered. Usually by last name. 
2.) Search results give staff enough information to know if they are looking at the right record, and if that record is registered or not. 
3.) if registered, then go find badge.  If registered, and no badge can be found, a link to print the badge would be great. 
4.) if not registered, click the link in search results and it lands on Matt's fancy registration page with the correct ID and Meeting already passed to the IQA. This page also displays ribbons for when the badge is printed 
5.) click register 


show picture on search results?
show ribbon codes above the ribbon images, for people used to seeing the codes.  Potentially design a pop-out link to display ribbon images
display "full name status registration status" in a way that is easier to read (on register.aspx)  
display any guests that are in the person's registration? Not sure the best place for this to live.  In the search results would get too messy.  On registration page might not make sense because they only hit that page if they need to register.   
maybe a page or tiny counter somewhere to show total registrations, or some other report data?


A way to take dues payments easily 
links to useful information like maps or business meeting schedules?  They have these in paper form at the reg desk, but do they live somewhere online?
Badge printing: a "print badge" button directly from search results would be ideal, but if not, a link to a page that has the badge report and passes along the ID would work.  First step is to make ANY badge printing work. Currently, the Print icon does not appear for SSRS reports.  ALSO, a "print badge" button would likely need to live on the registration page after someone is registered, or clicking "register" could jump to a success page, where the ribbons and "print badge" button live.