May 2023
In this Issue...
Member Spotlight
Virtual Business of Medicine CME Event
TMA Leadership College Applications
Volunteer for AISD Athletic Physicals
Focus on Savings
DEA Training Requirments
TMLT: Dealing with Challenging Patient Encounters
RPO Spring Celebration Luncheon
Dr. DeVry Anderson
Chief Medical Officer, St David's South Austin Medical Center Designated Institutional Official for St David's Healthcare Graduate Medical Educational Program
“Life is about relationships—the rest is just details,” stated one of Dr. DeVry Anderson’s mentors.Through the years he has realized just how true the statement is. He explains, “The details matter, but by strengthening existing relationships with our patients, our healthcare partners and with others who share the environments in which we work and live in—and by enlarging
our network of new relationships—we can provide better healthcare to those in our community. We are also able to better understand, represent and love those within the communities we serve.”
Read More.

TCMS Virtual Business of Medicine Presentation: CME
The Power of Dynamic Leadership
There has always been an expectation for physicians to be leaders. If leading is inevitable, how do physicians gain more confidence? Knowing how to communicate, how to motivate, and how to lead others has the power to have great impact. Learn the five leadership skills every physician MUST master.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Virtual - Zoom
Speaker: Therese Gopaul-Robinson, MPH
Download Event Flyer
Accreditation Statement:
“This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Texas Medical Association and Travis County Medical Society. The Texas Medical Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.”
Designation Statement:
The Texas Medical Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Ready to Take Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level?
TMA Leadership College Applications Being Accepted
The TMA Leadership College (TMALC) was established in 2010 as part of TMA’s effort to ensure strong and sustainable physician leadership within organized medicine. TMALC graduates serve as thought leaders who can close the divide among clinicians and health care policymakers, and as trusted leaders within their local communities.
Applications are due Friday, June 16th and applicants will be notified of their status in August. The first class will be held in-person in Austin on October 27-28, 2023.
Applicants must be active TMA members in good standing and in their first 8 years of practice post residency/fellowship.
More Information

Volunteer for AISD Athletic Physicals
Each year, TCMS has partnered with AISD to provide uninsured student athletes with the physicals they need to play sports, march in band, and cheer in school.
This year we have partnered with CommUnityCare to offer these physicals in a medical facility. This will provide a more private, thorough, and comprehensive physical exam for the students.
Physicians, nurses, and physician assistants are needed for each of the following nights in May:
Monday, May 8, 2023 at 5:30 PM
CommUnityCare Southeast (2901 Montopolis Dr)
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 5:30 PM
CommUnityCare North/Central (1210 W Braker Ln)
Register to Volunteer

Physicians' DEA Registration Now Requires Training on Substance Use Disorder
Starting June 27, physicians must attest to completing eight hours of substance-abuse training when they register for or renew their Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) license. Physicians won’t have to submit training-related documentation but should be able to reference it in the event of an audit. There are plenty of options – including CME from TMA.
More Information

Dealing with Challenging Patient Encounters
Learning objectives:
1. Identify issues that may make patient encounters challenging and cause disruption in the practice;
2. Discuss protocols to prepare staff and physicians for difficult patient encounters;
3. Review effective strategies for de-escalation and identify strategies to avoid; and
4. Develop a plan to manage patient complaints and negative social media reviews without violating HIPAA regulations.
Enjoy dinner and network with your colleagues while earning 1 CME credits (1 ethics) and a 3% premium discount on your next eligible policy period.
May 9: Renaissance Austin Hotel
Information & Registration

Friends of the Society:
The following ads represent some of the 2023 TCMS sponsors. Thanks to their support, educational, social, and family events are made possible for TCMS members. Please consider their services.